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Veterans Walk of Honor

The Veterans Walk Of Honor stands as a living monument to honor those who protect our precious freedoms. In 2003, local volunteers took the iniative to design and construct this unique venue to recognize all military personnel who now serve, or have servedin any branch of the United States Armed Services, including Merchant Marines. Funding for the monumentwas provided by non-governmental sources including idividuals, corperations and community-based groups.

Veterans Walk of Honor
Veterans walk of honor monuments for both living and past American veterans.

Designed by local artist and WWII Veteran George Mullen, the Walk Of Honor was formally dedicated on Veterans Day, November 11, 2005. Included within the monument is a memorial listing Josephine County Vets who died while service from WWII through the first Gulf War.

As the Monument will be a living growing project, we will continue to seek funding for expansion and annual maintenance of the grounds.

We offer several opportunities for donors and benefactors to be recognized.

Recognition of Military Honorees

Individuals choosing to honor or memorialize someone, can have names of militarty honorees engraved in granite for a donation of $100.00 per name. Therefore , anyone can honor a friend , relative or loved-one  who served, or is now serving. This includes all men and women whether on active duty or in the reserves, or in Guard units. These Veterans do not need to be residents of Josephine County.

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Walk of Honor.pdf

For more information call Mike and Chris Baker at (541)761-5930.