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To fulfill our mission statement, we provide a community center, complete with a kitchen facility that available to be rented for special occasions. Twice a week, the food and friends’ organization utilize the community center for feeding the elderly in the Merlin area. This provides them with an opportunity to socialize with friends and neighbors. We also sponsor special events such as Music in the Park on Thursday evenings in the months of July and August. The Veterans Day breakfast with memorial ceremony and a spaghetti feed fundraiser are also functions the Park Board organizes on an annual basis. The sports field provides local little league teams as well as soccer teams a place to practice. In recent years, the Merlin Community Park has provided the Southern Oregon Success Academy a place to conduct their graduation ceremonies, which gets bigger every year.

The Park also provides a venue for political, town hall, and community education meetings for our County Government to utilize. The Josephine County Sheriffs department rents out an office space to provide a Sub-Station to the community of Merlin and the North Valley area.